Truth about Cellulite,10 myths about cellulite- "Kick Butt Cellulite Redux"

According to statistics estimated to be around 90% of women with cellulite problems found in adult women and is rarely encountered in adult men. Basically cellulite can be formed at the age of 14 years old girl or the girl who is going through puberty and cellulite will appear more frequently in women aged 30 years.
Cellulite in women will be greater if the more fat accumulated as a result of accretion of fat mass around 4-8 kg per decade during his lifetime. In addition, age can also lead to thinning of the layer of skin over the fat tissue that can lead to clot more easily visible fat on the surface that facilitates the formation of cellulite. Unfavorable lifestyle, muscle strain, fatigue, genetic, and structural fat differently on each woman known to be very instrumental in damaging the connective tissue of skin, so skin looks bumpy.
during the many confusing myths circulating about cellulite. Consequently cellulite sufferers get the wrong information about cellulite so that they could not find the right treatment to get rid of this stubborn cellulite.

Here are 10 myths about cellulite that must be known by women as well as men :

Cellulite is not caused by toxins
As reported from during the growing myth that cellulite is caused by impurities and toxins that accumulate in the body. In fact Cellulite occurs when fat deposits push the layer of collagen fibers and connective tissue under the skin. This network will expand causing cellulite.

Women are susceptible to cellulite than men
Women tend to have more fat than women. Hence the myth that says that women are prone to get cellulite than men is true. However, approximately 10% of men can also be affected by cellulite too.

Age causes cellulite
This is true. Age, especially for women can cause a decrease in growth hormone estrogen helps keep the flow of the blood vessels. Lack of estrogen lowers decreased production of new collagen, giving rise to the occurrence of cellulite.

Cellulite is influenced by genes
Genetic factors may influence the occurrence of cellulite. However, these factors only take a fraction of the factors that can cause cellulite in addition to a lack of exercise.

Cellulite does not only occur in obese people
Assumption that says that cellulite can only occur in obese people is not entirely true because even though thin people can get cellulite because of the inability of the skin to stretch.

Exercise can reduce cellulite
Exercise can improve skin elasticity so you also avoid cellulite.

Cardio exercise is not the best to repel the cellulite
In fact to train keelastisitasan skin, proper exercise is lifting weights. Weight training makes skin 'stretched' so fat that can cause cellulite are not 'trapped'.

Medical treatment is not effective at removing cellulite
Skin beauty treatments using laser, radio-frequency, and high-priced massages are in fact not effective in removing cellulite. This action lasted only a temporary fix because it has the nature of the outward appearance, but not from the inside. Therefore, the effects only last between 6 months to a year.

Vegetables can prevent cellulite
Vegetables that contain lots of water such as tomatoes, radishes, and cucumbers can prevent you from cellulite. The body has sufficient water reserves will make the connective tissues strong and supple your skin.

Smoking can increase the risk of cellulite
Cigarette smoke has been shown to reduce the oxygen flow in the blood vessels and interfere with the formation of collagen in connective tissue damage. It is then triggered cellulite.

Those are some things you must know about cellulite. Healthy lifestyle and exercise can help you combat cellulite that will maintain the beauty of your appearance.

There is a unique method that has been proven in 193 countries, and for 23 years has been helping people with cellulite, eliminate cellulite permanently - and with literally no risk, no complicated. 

"Kick Butt Cellulite Redux"

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